Thursday, 22 March 2018

"Missing" Definition of Love

         What is love? Some people have come up with so many definitions of Love. Others have even stated categorically that there is no actual definition for love. In this therapeutic piece,and the subsequent ones to be publish,we will learn what love is and their detailed explanations. 
             "Love suffers long and is kind, love does not envy,love does not parade itself,is not puffed up,does not behave rudely,does not seek it own,is not provoked,think no evil,does not rejoice in iniquity,but rejoices in the truth. Love does not fail". (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)
                Wow....,that is a "long" definition of love. Love suffers; basically it makes us understand that being in love doesn't guarntee that everyday and everything will be rossey. There will good and difficult times. Suffering may erupt as a result of loss of job by a partner
,sickness,pressure from family and friends and many more. All one has to do is to stick with his or her partner, and learn to endure during the difficult or bad times and surely


  1. Oh Great! Good start. All the best Aunty.

  2. Oh Great! Good start. All the best Aunty.

  3. I've always heard the "love suffers" part of how Apostle Paul describes Love to the Saints in Corinthians but I never paid attention to what it really means. Choosing to throw more light on that is enlightening.

  4. The concept of love need more light to be shed on it. Than you for opening our understanding to the teachings of Apostle Paul

  5. our generations needs to understand this about love and forget all these sex shows they call love.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Very insightful and thought provoking

  8. Love is a decision. Awesome write-up
