Sunday, 8 April 2018

What is Love?
Love does not envy.
     In the last article, I wrote about why kindness is considered love. Today, I'll talk about why is not envious... "not to be envious", 1 Corinthians 13:4. Envy is a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities or luck.  Jealousy is also an act of enviness. "Surely vexation kills the fool, and jealousy slays the simple", Job 5:2.
     Do we understand why a husband or wife can kill their partner? Well... sometimes it is because they are envious of their partner. If you love someone, you have to be confident of that individual. You need to be happy for your partner and encourage them to be more than they are.
     Be proud and supportive of their possessions, qualities or luck. If we're able to do this, then we can boldly say that we love and we are not jealous or envious of our family, friends and partners who are more advantaged than than us in one way or the other. "Love does not parade itself". What does that mean? Watch out for this and more on the next write-up.


  1. Love Doctor... like the article

  2. Love is as complex as it is simple, a very good piece mate.

  3. The jealousy part is not easy for some to handle at all but anyway they people overcome it one way or the other
    Aside that this is a great article

  4. Woooow. That's good to know.

  5. Sincere love is without envy. Good one there

  6. Sincere love is without envy. Good one there

  7. love is indeed without envy. SHALOM...
