Thursday, 12 April 2018

Love does not Parade Itself.

 What is Love?
 Love does not Parade itself.

     I thought parade was only a procession of people or vehicles moving through a public place in order to celebrate an important day or event. When I read "love does not parade itself" from the Bible, 1 Corinthians 3:14. It implies that love is not boastful or it does not display ostentatiously.
     Hmm, that is interesting. This means that when you love your family, friends and partner, you shouldn't force your opinions on them. You should rather learn to accommodate each other, and listen to your loved ones opinions on issues.
      For a relationship to blossom, it depends on the humbleness from both partners. Being humble towards your partner doesn't make you a fool. Instead, it shows the love you have for your partner. Loving humbly, blossoms the relationship and makes one happy and fulfilled. Now, that is Love.      


  1. I personally believe that love is the foundation of everything

  2. Thanks Ivy...I have taken a cue from it

  3. It’s true love and understanding and above all respect is the key for me

  4. Love is a beautiful thing but can be ugly too...thanks

  5. Depending on how you treat love,it showers you with untold gifts

  6. Thanks for the brief lesson, I also had your perception about parade. Now, I have been enlightened.

  7. Very much enlightened Sis
    Good work

  8. Great does not parade itself

  9. "You should rather learn to accommodate each other, and listen to your loved ones opinions on issues"
    What a great opportunity I can receive from my loved ones. I'd always be ready to give good suggestions to make life always beautiful. I'd make sure I don't use this opportunity against them and I've understood that sometimes we have to agree to disagree too.

    Nice write-up, Ivy.

  10. Well said, I believe majority of us are finding it hard to put this into practice and it's the reason why there is confusion all over.

    1. Yeah, many people fine it difficult to adhere to this.

  11. Lovely composed piece. No wonder the book of Mattew(sermon on the mount) has it that the meek shall inherit the earth.
